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Efficiently create & deliver work-critical training

Adaptive Learning, Training That Sticks

Empower your organization with adaptive technology and learning methods proven to deliver properly verified attainment of critical skills and knowledge. Create engaging experiences with bite-sized learning in the flow of work—continuously adapting to verification and individual performance.

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Save Time

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Our AI detects what employees already know and delivers just what each learner needs to know to be successful.
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Engage Learners

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Adaptive learning engages learners with dynamic pathways and blends together different modalities.
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Impact Performance

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Make your training more effective while ensuring competency and improving knowledge retention.
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Reduce Risk

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See how improved training operations and optimized training development reduces risk for your organization.
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Enable Agility

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Create bite-sized learning experiences and break away from traditional course development limitations.
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Make your case!

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Build your business case with Realizeit!
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End-to-End Adaptive Training to Fit Each Moment.

Seamlessly create and connect courses, pathways, one-to-one training, and reinforcement in a personalized, efficient, engaging experience to ensure critical skills are properly learned.
  • Required courses
  • Operational training
  • Learning pathways
  • Microlearning & knowledge reinforcement
1. Adaptive course . . .
two operators are watching the schedule
3. Learning Pathways
2. Intelligent Microlearning

Optimize time spent learning

Proven to reduce ‘time to learn’ by up to 40% and update management by up to 50%. Training with the precision of Realizeit will reduce the waste from your one-size-fits-all courses to the benefit of all stakeholders.
time is money

Verify outcomes

Be confident that your learners have been properly trained so they are ready to deliver, whether they are performing a critical job role or demonstrating their mastery as they pursue new knowledge.
one to one connection

Elevate your training

Adaptive intelligence ensures learning is both effective and efficient, balancing both to each learner’s needs. When training is business-critical, you need confidence your employees are ready to work.
Elevate your training

What’s your most pressing learning challenge?

Give all learning stakeholders what they need to make an impact

AI To Assist All Roles

Learning & Development Leader

Relizeit is purpose-built to help you efficiently and expertly design, deploy, and sustain high-impact learning experiences that drive engagement and deliver results in the flow of work.

Operational Leader

Realizeit uniquely validates essential knowledge is acquired and retained. You’re assured workers are equipped with essential knowledge to mitigate risk and ensure performance in the shortest time possible.

Course Developer

Realize gives you specialized, practical tools that make it incredibly easy for you to build adaptive training experiences that stick — with agility and at scale.

Manager and Team Leader

Realizeit helps you accurately identify skill gaps and risk areas, get answers to top questions, and manage job-qualification status.
Manager Leader

The Platform Built for Business-Critical Training

Whether you start with the transformation of a single course or have a full learning program to tackle, Realizeit’s platform is designed to make business-critical training efficient and effective through greater precision, robust verification, and AI-powered automation.
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Personalize & adapt learning to save time, improve performance, and engage
Detect prior knowledge
Bypass content already known
Rules-based learning to present alternate content
Alter learning path and content based on role, job-specifics, context, etc.
Tailor learning based on confidence levels
Intelligent / AI-powered learning
Evidence-based learning to ensure job readiness and reduce risk
Visibility for all Stakeholders to improve performance, engage, save time, and reduce risk
Learning journey mapping to save time and improve knowledge durability
Seamless multi-modal learning to engage, save time, and improve performance
Automate intelligent knowledge reinforcement to improve learning durability
Orchestrate updates to impact job performance, save time, and improve agility
Role / skill-based learning programs to encourage employee growth & improve outcomes
Legend: = Core Features = Potentially included with caveats

Realizeit provides a fully responsive, mobile-first experience.

Give your Trainers and Managers the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder with front-line workers or learners to demonstrate competence.
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The Time for Agile Skills Training Is Here
(and So Is the Technology to Deliver It)

Agile, AI-powered learning can empower organizations to deliver personalized, verified, and effective training with precision and efficiency to optimize performance across the entire organization. But to achieve those outcomes, agile learning must offer four essential elements.

Learn what they are and why they matter in Sticky Learns, the engaging and thought-proving newsletter from Realizeit CEO and Co-founder Manoj Kulkarni.

What’s your most pressing learning challenge?

Visit us at Booth #1119!

Realizeit To Showcase Business-Critical Training Powered by AI at ATD24 Conference and EXPO

Realizeit will participate at the ATD24 International Conference and EXPO to showcase how companies can train their most business-critical roles, including those skills that have a direct impact on safety, company performance, and customer satisfaction.